Carpe Diem Winter Retreat 2016 WP-09, a tanka


Dear friends,

The Winter Retreat of Carpe Diem Haiku Kai, my daily haiku meme on blogspot, is almost over. You have still five days to participate. The Winter Retreat, 30 days of writing haiku or tanka every day, ends on December 15th 10.00 PM (CET).

For today I have a nice tanka for you in which I think the silence is obvious and strong.

after the hot summer
finally the beauty of Mother Earth
her crescendo
colorful leaves covered
with the first frost 

© Chèvrefeuille

See you …

2 thoughts on “Carpe Diem Winter Retreat 2016 WP-09, a tanka

  1. frost a silent chill
    teeth chattering silence breaks
    warm fire ends cold
    outside sharp frost silent chill
    silent breeze the cold prevails

    autumn winter gone
    silence exploded birds sing
    springs crescendo wins
    summer sounds delight the free
    autumn winter silence pain

    me thinks please agree
    words from a poets hand flow
    with intent aglow
    emotion from their hearts tell
    of all bad good war and hell

    just one to four a present
    wishing you the best
    from me to you and your kin
    the best of all peace goodwill

    cant stop got the bug

    a bare line so hard to find

    i did now must send

    Take care,


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