Carpe Diem “Tackle It Tuesday” #8 Fixity

A new Carpe Diem Tackle It Tuesday is online NOW!

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Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

Everyone has a goal in his, her life on which they are focused during their life. Such a goal, I think everyone needs, it gives you a lives task and brings structure into your life.
As I was a young guy, say around 18, I dreamed of becoming a teacher. And I almost became one, but as I was almost ready with this study I had a kind of revelation. I saw myself standing beside the sickbed of someone … that was the “trigger” to change my life’s goal. At that moment I realized that I had to become a nurse. So I had to change my structured life, taking another road.
I experienced that becoming a nurse was a big goal, so I had to take little steps. I first became an orderly, than after a few years I took the challenge of a…

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